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Our Top Notch Staff
We couldn't do what we do without the dedication of nearly 40 hard-working individuals.  Among our team, over half have won the President's Volunteer Service Award for volunteering over 500 hours.  Each person has received a certificate of achievement, a gold lapel pin, and a letter of congratulations signed by President Barack Obama.  Many others are on their way to reaching their 500 hour goal.  We are so proud of our staff!

Pictured l. to r., Kathy Innocenti, Sheryl Wise, Sandy Holt, Marian Smith, Lorraine Aucourt, Nancy Lung, Kay Jillson, Barbra Bynoe.
L. to r., Cheryl Burum, Donna Mizer, James Cagle, Trudy Amstutz, Teri Powell.
Peggy Fulton.
Jenny Green, Charlotte Christersson, Walter Myers, Harvey Morkert, Dawn Pfaff
Susie Riis, Chris Riis.
Gin Birkle, Glenn Davis